Discus Fish Disease
Native from the Amazon River, yet successfully bred all over the world in aquariums, discus fish are not too fragile or sensitive creatures. However, all breeders should be aware of the risks of discus fish disease, as they are often exposed to various health problems because of improper care conditions. Saying that breeders are most often the ones responsible for the discus fish diseases doesn’t mean we’re pointing the finger, this is the truth. Improper care, poor or inadequate living conditions, co-inhabitance with other breeds are usually responsible for the various discus fish diseases.
The most common discus fish diseases are the ones common to fresh water fish in general. For instance the ammonia poisoning is a discus fish disease that appears because of improper nitrogen cycle in your aquarium. Don’t add tropical fish in the water until the ammonia has been eliminated in the water, and maybe the filters don’t function properly. In order to avoid this discus fish disease, change the water regularly and avoid over-crowding the tank. The symptoms of this discus fish disease include red and swollen gills and the fish staying at the water surface gasping for air.
Another discus fish disease that results from poor water quality is the Ich or the white spot characterized by the appearance of white spots on the fish body and fins. The best way to fight this discus fish disease is by increasing the water temperature and administrating medication available in any pet store. Before adding the medication for this type of discus fish disease, take the carbon filter out as this may absorb all the useful substances. In case you want to bring other fish to the tank, make sure you use a quarantine aquarium in order to prevent any discus fish disease.
If the water temperature is not appropriate you expose your pets to another discus fish disease such as the oxygen starvation. A higher water temperature also requires an increased level of oxygen in the water. Therefore, you can easily avoid this discus fish disease by taking care of the aeration level, speeding up the flow rate of the filters. You may want to turn off the tank light for a while, as this also causes temperature to rise and exposes the fish to the risk of the oxygen starvation discus fish disease. All in all, keep in mind that the proper temperature for the discus fish is 31 degrees Celsius at the maximum. For more information, refer to Discus-Fish-Secrets.
Discus Fish Disease
Monday, October 6, 2008
Discus Fish Disease
Posted by Online Malls at 10:31 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Disease
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Discus Fish Health
Discus Fish Health
The most popular concerns about discus fish are those related to their health since they are know for being very sensitive to environmental conditions. It is essential for discus health that you recreate the living conditions they are used to in the wild: soft, slightly acidic clean water. Of course breeders do everything in their power to protect discus health given the fact that they also require special temperature and pH. Therefore if you plan on buying discus fish, you should start preparing their tank a month in advance to make sure you ensure discus health.
There are many problems associated with discus health, but I will mainly refer to the environmental ones, which seem to be the most common. For instance, the iodine deficiency may appear due to pollutants in water or improper feeding. Then, another problem related to discus health is the lack of vitamins in the food, which on the long term may create low immune system and deficient wound healing for instance. Vitamin C is essential for discus health; hence make sure you store food properly or you risk losing this vitamin though oxidation. Absence of this vitamin leads to bleeding, fin ulcerations and many other problems.
Many of the discus health problems appear because of breeder’s ignorance or failure to provide the proper living conditions. Once you take up breeding fish, there is a responsibility involved like with any other animal; should you find yourself overwhelmed, you can always turn to special discus health services provided by vet units. Information and tips you may find in books on discus health or on sites such as Discus-Fish-Secrets are highly reliable and make a very good start when in comes to taking care of discus health. The authors of such books are usually experienced breeders from whom you’ve got lots to learn.
Discus health should not be an issue for someone careful enough to follow some ground rules. For instance, the water cycle should be functional all the time and no waste or uneaten food should be left in it. Discus health is threatened in case of over-heating. Don’t go over 31 degrees Celsius, as this will also lower the oxygen level in the tank and cause your fish to suffer from oxygen starvation. Monitor your discus health on a regular basis and check the living conditions daily or even several times a day if possible so that nothing goes wrong.
Discus Fish Health
Posted by Online Malls at 6:28 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Environment, Health
Friday, September 19, 2008
Discus Aquarium
Discus aquarium
Creating the proper environment for discus fish involves a certain amount of work and documentation for achieving the best living conditions exotic fish needs. The first question you need to answer about your discus aquarium refers to the tank size. This very much depends on the room you’ve got at home and your financial availability. The discus aquarium should include a deep tank as these fish feel better in lots of water, not to mention that the more the water, the more stable the conditions. Hence, the discus aquarium should be at least 120 cm x 40 cm x 50 cm.
The position of the discus aquarium is very important precisely since the discus are very shy fish when they distrust the surroundings. Make sure the discus aquarium is far from any noise or direct heat and light sources. Heat in excess causes plant overgrowth, while also reducing the level of oxygen. The discus aquarium should also be positioned somewhere high as these fish are disturbed by movement, and it is not advisable to cause them undue stress. Then, the next big issue for a discus aquarium is the stratum you place on the bottom.
In case you create the discus aquarium for display purposes then fine gravel is great to place on the bottom of your tank, but if you use it only for breeding than leave the bottom uncovered. Thus, the discus aquarium is easier to clean as you need to disturb the fish as little as possible during the mating period. As for the plants for your discus aquarium, it is best to go for the natural ones, even if the plastic may look great. Presently you can even order the plant selection for your discus aquarium by mail and have it delivered at home.
Since many people are concerned about the aesthetic dimension of their discus aquarium you may choose rocks and driftwood as decorations. Such items are close to the discus fish native waters where they mainly serve as shelter. Be careful with the kind of rocks you use in your discus aquarium since they should not contain any metal ore or other contaminants. Rocks of the same color and texture are recommended though you may bring diversity to your discus aquarium. Similar texture prevents functionality problems particularly when the rocks have the same provenience, so, you may have to sacrifice some of the good looks for the health of your pets.
Discus Aquarium
Posted by Online Malls at 10:17 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Aquarium
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Discus Fish As Hobby
Discus as a hobby
Just as dogs make great companions, discus fish make a great show. Breeding discus as a hobby has become so popular that aquariums all over the world have become the home of this king of the exotic species. For some breeders, discus as a hobby means an immense satisfaction particularly when one manages to get some baby discus too. It is truly rewarding to see that what started with discus as a hobby has turned into a life time experience and a true friendship. What is so special about discus as a hobby? Apart from the great beauty of these fish, discus are unique in their social and loving behavior.
Those who breed discus as a hobby will be more than surprised to notice that the discus show signs of connection to the environment outside the tank. For instance breeding discus as a hobby implies spending lots of time around the tank, cleaning, feeding or simply watching the discus. They are said to recognize the owner in time and they can get as close to you as to eat out of your hand. When breeding discus as a hobby, some owners have noticed that the discus will watch you move around the room or even react to TV noise.
Apart from such social behavior, discus enjoy silence and a close community with other fellows from the same species. If you take discus as a hobby, you may want to take into consideration that they prefer living in close communities that is together with several other members. The dominant discus would be the first to couple, followed by the others if proper conditions are met. Even if you breed discus as a hobby you may still have to separate the couples in a different tank allowing them to raise their fry.
For everyone who takes discus as a hobby, it is important that all the proper living conditions are kept under constant observation. You should not use for instance a too powerful lamp for your discus; as a hobby you’d like to keep them in the spot light, but this warms the water above the accepted level and reduces the oxygen quantity. There is a short step to take between breeding discus (Refer to Secret of Discus Breeding) as a hobby and breeding them at a professional level, after all, discus require the same attention no matter your devotion. Even if you take discus as a hobby, you still have to pay attention to their needs all the time!
Discus Fish As Hobby
Posted by Online Malls at 9:24 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Secrets of Discus Breeding
The secrets of Discus Breeding
Before breeding discus, you will definitely need to learn all you can on the habits of these exotic and charming creatures. Before breeding, discus like to choose their partner alone, which may make it a little difficult and even expensive for the owner. Breeding discus should be kept in groups of maximum four individuals as the ideal formation. Keep the water warm enough and feed them properly and breeding discus will be a true joy; it won’t take too long before they will spawn. To understand the principles of breeding discus you’ve got a lot of things to read as there will be quite some changes in your tank.
First of all you should know that breeding discus will choose an almost vertical site for their mating and will clean it before laying eggs. Don’t be surprised if they spawn on the bottom or the side of the tank. After laying the eggs and fertilizing them, the two parents will be guarding the perimeter preventing other fish to come close. Breeding discus also means noticing behavior changes in your so calm and shy fish. They are not going to become aggressive to other tank inhabitants unless the eggs are in danger. Breeding discus sometimes means having some eggs sacrificed. Therefore, the parents eat the eggs they cannot protect.
It is easy to find out when you’ve got a pair of breeding discus; once two of them start defending a perimeter in the aquarium, you need to act quickly. It would be perfect if the owner separated the breeding discus to a different tank set up for the purpose. Don’t put anything on the bottom of the tank of the breeding discus as you’ll have to clean it very easily. They only need a vertical surface to deposit their eggs. To improve the environment of the breeding discus you can add a small bag of peat moss in the power filter, thus recreating the natural water conditions of the discus.
Water and food are the two main principles for successful discus breeding. For assistance and useful information on how to deal with breeding discus you may visit the following web page : Discus-Fish-Secrets. Practical information is always welcome particularly when you haven’t been breeding discus before; so, enjoy the experience and don’t forget that the appearance of new healthy fry is entirely your responsibility from the beginning to the end.
The secrets of Discus Breeding
Posted by Online Malls at 5:35 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Breeding
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Welcome To Discus Fish As Hobby
Welcome to my Discus Fish Blog. Here you will learn about Discus Fish care and tips on how to breed Discus Fish.
Posted by Online Malls at 7:47 PM PERMALINK